: Out of there.... So I finally am pulling the plug on facebook for myself. The value of reaching out to old friends …
: One of my favorite characteristics of one of my children is their deep empathy for their peers, but …
: First empty nest pizza night…
: Water polo in the desert… looking at a pool when it is over 105 is somewhat cruel.
: Summer special: 1/2 cold brew coffee, 1/2 horchata over ice
: My pizza game is getting better.
: My community loves to suffer. #mbApr prompt suggestions by @stupendousman
: Bursting forth with surprise #mbApr
: Looking for ice in the desert. Hockey time.
: Is it small or a cactus… yes
: Solar power generation impact of an eclipse
: Taking some timeout for yourself is a recipe for well-being
: Desert foliage or serenity you be the judge
: Feel like I am getting to be a part of the developer / pizza making Venn diagram… my second Ooni …
: daedalOS: This is some kind of source-ry, a personal home page that is a desktop environment… …
: And so Covid finally landed in our vaccinated and boosted home. Wife and I are positive, daughter …
: Why does every interaction with every vendor result in being hounded by survey after survey, drives …
: Ok so I know I live in the desert but Apple please don’t truncate the temperature when it is …
: Exclusive: Surveillance Footage of Tesla Crash on Bay Bridge Exclusive: Surveillance Footage of Tesla Crash on Bay Bridge: HIGHWAY SURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE from …
: Happy new year to all you independant thinkers out there.
: Christmas Eve ride with me the boys and a duck
: I have to think that there are many people at SpaceX and Tesla that are glad Elon is distracted over …
: A day in the life (10/13/22 10am Lake Tabeaud, CA)
: When you are glad you already taught your daughter how to change a tire so you can watch.
: Spring starting to hit the desert roadside.
: Happy Evacuation Day to all my Boston peeps Evacuation Day is a holiday observed on March 17 in …
: Is there a prize for most remote meeting apps in a day? Tomorrow I have Zoom, BlueJeans, Google …
: You know your day is going to be interesting when you start your switch project script and your …
: Tucson passed it’s 2020 rainfall total 1.62 inches, with 2021 coming in with a whopping 1.64 …
: Things my father can not see: Biden is far closer to his view of a republican then my view of a …
: Work from home wildlife: Bobcat Edition When you live in the southwest on the outskirts of town you might see this out your office …
: Amanda Gorman’s poem…. wow, just wow
: Well All Hallows Eve has come and gone and like all of the decade known as 2020 it was strange and …